Friday, July 13, 2012


For just a moment, imagine things are the other way around. Imagine if Mitt Romney had used as the cornerstone of his campaign a bald-faced lie about Obama's record that was endlessly repeated in  speeches, by his surrogates on television, and with millions and million of dollars worth of negative television commercials.

Now imagine if a media outlet openly sympathetic to Romney had recycled this lie in order to make it look scandalous and in response the Romney campaign had openly suggested Obama might be a felon.
Were this the case, the media would be crucifying Mitt Romney right now, and rightly so. I'm not one of those delicate types who gets the vapors from negative campaigning. In fact, I like campaigns that go hammer and tong at one another.
But lying, openly and flagrantly lying, is not negative campaigning -- it's lying.

Media Cooperates With Obama's Desperately Sleazy Campaign:  CLICK  FOR  MORE..

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