Monday, August 20, 2012


Root: Obama: Mission Accomplished? | CLICK  FOR  MORE.. "A few weeks ago when he heard unemployment went up and few jobs were created, President Obama remarked: “The economy is headed in the right direction.” The media assumed it was another off teleprompter mistake. I’d assume it was the subconscious slip of the tongue, as we’ve predicted this was all part of Mr. Obama’s plan from the first day of his Presidency. We might even say to Mr Obama…Mission Accomplished!

The only question is “What was that mission?” From the day Obama was elected, I’ve warned the nation along with others that this president’s goal was to follow the detailed plan of Cloward and Piven, two former professors at Columbia University where Obama and I graduated in 1983. Cloward and Piven advocated overwhelming the system and collapsing the U.S. economy to weaken (and eventually destroy) capitalism."

The ultimate goal of this plan? Force America to our knees, to curse capitalism, and beg for help from government. Then, in response to our pleas, we will gladly let Obama and big government take control over every aspect of our lives.
For anyone who doubts how well his plan is working, just look at the state of the union President Obama has created. We are in the midst of an economic Armageddon rivaling the Great Depression. The collapse is far worse than most Americans understand…yet.

Judge for yourselves:

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