Saturday, July 30, 2011

News media using Glenn Beck to smear Israel?

News media using Glenn Beck to smear Israel?  ;  CLICK  FOR  MORE..

RUSH LIMBAUGH ; The 14th Amendment Truth : 14th Amendment DOES NOT authorize the PRESIDENT of the United States to spend money..!

RUSH:  Well, nobody is going to bring up impeachment articles against Obama.  That isn't going to happen.  Now, this 14th Amendment business.  We dealt with that, what, three weeks ago, three weeks ago in profound detail.  What you need to know about this is quite simply the 14th Amendment does not authorize the President of the United States to spend money. 
The 14th Amendment Truth   ;  click  for  more..

Mixed race Erica Herrera to marry white supremacist murder suspect..

Mixed race Erica Herrera to marry white supremacist murder suspect | click  for  more..

US health shop offers 'free marijuana if you register to vote'

US health shop offers 'free marijuana if you register to vote' | click  for  more..



Domenico Cefalu: Gambino crime family picks a new boss... who lives with his mother ..

In charge: Domenico Cefalu has reportedly become the new boss of the Gambino crime mob

Pentagon, CIA open targets for crippling attack? Country's electrical grids, power plants may also be unprotected ..

Pentagon, CIA open targets for crippling attack?  ;  click  for  more..

California police arrest 100 over marijuana growing..

Police in northern California have uprooted 460,000 plants and made more than 100 arrests in a major operation against illegal marijuana cultivation
BBC News - California police arrest 100 over marijuana growing ;CLICK FOR MORE..

President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day..?

HARRY BELAFONTE: Obama 'has failed'...
President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day ; CLICK FOR MORE..

Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented immigrants home from California ..

There are fewer undocumented immigrants in California – and the Sacramento region – because many are now finding the American dream south of the border.  Mexico's unemployment rate is now 4.9 percent, compared with 9.4 percent joblessness in the United States.
Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented immigrants home from California - CLICK FOR MORE ..

Friday, July 29, 2011

World's first pregnant man Thomas Beatie unveils muscular body after 3 babies..?..

World's first pregnant man Thomas Beatie unveils muscular body after 3 babies | CLICK  FOR  MORE..

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video !

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video |  CLICK  FOR  MORE..

Man Tries to Remove HIS OWN Hernia With Butter Knife IN GLENDALE CALIFORNIA..? [ SO MACH FOR OBAMA CARE.?]

Man Tries to Remove Hernia With Butter Knife | CLICK  FOR  MORE..

Former New York Yankees pitcher Hideki Irabu found dead in his home - Rancho Palos Verdes - CALIFORNIA..

He was found dead by an apparent suicide'.
Former New York Yankees pitcher Hideki Irabu found dead | click  for  more..

Joe Pesci sues Gotti makers for $3m after piling on 30lbs to play mobster... only to be axed from role..?

Mob movie: Victoria Gotti, John Travolta, John Gotti, Jr. and actress Lindsay Lohan promoted the Fiore Films production in April
Joe Pesci sues Gotti makers for $3m after piling on 30lbs to play mobster... only to be axed from role | click  for  more..

Special ops chief warns of al-Qaeda 2.0...days after reports that bin Laden-led al-Qaeda is on brink of collapse..

Special ops chief warns of al-Qaeda 2.0...days after reports that bin Laden-led al-Qaeda is on brink of collapse | click  for  more..

Sarah Palin to join presidential race? Palin will headline Iowa Tea Party event over Labor Day ..

Sarah Palin to join presidential race? Palin will headline Iowa Tea Party event over Labor Day | click  for  more..

Christopher Schwarzenegger dines out with mother and Oprah Winfrey following hospital release ..

Christopher Schwarzenegger dines out with mother and Oprah Winfrey following hospital release | click  for  more..

» Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington - Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington - Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! ;  click  for  more..

Fox Host Varney on Soros: ‘I Do Not Like Billionaire Socialists Who Hate America and Try to Make Money Out of Our Ruin’ | Video..

Fox Host Varney on Soros: ‘I Do Not Like Billionaire Socialists Who Hate America and Try to Make Money Out of Our Ruin’ | Video |  CLICK  FOR  MORE..


Obama, Dems: Poison for America  ;  CLICK  FOR  MORE..

Madeleine McCann Spotted In India -- Has The Missing Little Girl Been Found?

Madeleine McCann Spotted In India -- Has The Missing Little Girl Been Found? ;  CLICK  FOR  MORE..

VIDEO ! Greg Ebert - Clerk at Texas Gun Shop Near Fort Hood Who Alerted Police t...

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered ..Attorney, doc experts to show up at Hawaii Department of Health with court document ..

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be   DELIVERED..CLICK  FOR  MORE..