Wednesday, November 30, 2011
How Kate and Camilla have become best friends sharing beauty tips and royal do's and don'ts ..
How Kate and Camilla have become best friends sharing beauty tips and royal do's and don'ts | CLICK FOR MORE..
Eric Holder Lashes Out at Daily Caller Reporter .. VIDEO !
Eric Holder Lashes Out at Daily Caller Reporter | VIDEO ! ; click for more..
President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter ..
According to Gallup, here are the job approval numbers for other presidents at this stage of their terms, a year before the re-election campaign:
– Harry S. Truman: 54 percent.
– Dwight Eisenhower: 78 percent.
– Lyndon B. Johnson: 44 percent.
– Richard M. Nixon: 50 percent.
– Ronald Reagan: 54 percent.
– George H.W. Bush: 52 percent.
– Bill Clinton: 51 percent.
– George W. Bush: 55 percent.
- BARAK OBAMA ; 43 percent
President Barack Obama Has Worse Job Approval Rating Than Jimmy Carter | click for more..
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
President Obama's 2012 campaign abandons white working-class voters in favor of minorities and the educated ..OBAMA IS ANTY WHITE..
For decades, Democrats have been losing more and more blue collar whites. Their alienation helped lead to the massive Republican wave in 2010, when the GOP wooed 30 percent more of them than the Democrats could.
Democratic strategists say President Obama is focusing his attention, instead, on poor black and Hispanic voters and educated white professionals.
President Obama's 2012 campaign abandons white working-class voters in favor of minorities and the educated | click for more..
For a nation reporting 154.4 million workers; this means the 13.9 million reportedly unemployed should actually be 17 million. Given only 12.8 million were unemployed at the 1933 peak of the Great Depression, when the undercounting and the Fed’s stress test are added the total is 23.2 million unemployed; almost double the Great Depression.
» Fed Warns Unemployment May Double Great Depression - click for more..
Cover-up: The news stories media don't want you to see ...WND editors join with readers to determine the year's top 10 ..??
Last year, WND's "readers' choice" picks for the10 most underreported stories of 2011were:
- Elections official Tim Adams claims there is no Hawaiian birth certificate for Barack Obama.
- Army officer court-martialed, jailed after questioning Obama's eligibility.
- The reality of how poorly the U.S. economy is doing.
- America's move toward socialism.
- The fall of the "mainstream" news media as ratings drop, advertising plunges and public distrust grows.
- Allegations of fraud, including illegal voting by felons and a formalized refusal by some states to follow election law regarding ballots for the military raise the possibility of manipulation of elections.
- Mysterious missile spotted off the coast of California.
- The growing evidence against the theory that mankind is a significant factor in climate change.
- The push in the U.S. courts by homosexual advocates to demand the legalization of same-sex "marriage" as well as through Congress to formally adopt the policy of allowing self-declared homosexuals in the U.S. military.
- The impact of the TSA's full-body scanners, including the associated health risks, invasion of privacy and violations of the 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable searches.
Bernie Fine fired: Syracuse basketball coach's 'wife watched husband molest Bobby Davis' .. VIDEO !
Innocence: Mr Davis says he was just 12 years old when Mr Fine started to molest him. He stayed in the coach's basement on and off throughout his childhood
Bernie Fine fired: Syracuse basketball coach's 'wife watched husband molest Bobby Davis' | click for more..
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Judge hands 1,000-year prison sentence to 110 Mafia mobsters in massive show trial ..
Godfather: Pasquale Zappia, who was jailed for 12 years, was rushed to hospital after collapsing in court

The Straits Reggio Calabria, where the 'Ndrangheta crime syndicate was founded and is based
Judge hands 1,000-year prison sentence to 110 Mafia mobsters in massive show trial | click for more..
Judge hands 1,000-year prison sentence to 110 Mafia mobsters in massive show trial | click for more..
£1m haul of cocaine seized by Spanish authorities is stolen from police compound ..
The drugs were being stored in a warehouse in Malaga when the thieves struck
£1m haul of cocaine seized by Spanish authorities is stolen from police compound | CLICK FOR MORE..
£1m haul of cocaine seized by Spanish authorities is stolen from police compound | CLICK FOR MORE..
Former SAS soldier Ian Tuckley found guilty of sex crimes against 2 young girls..?
A former SAS soldier who served in Iraq and Afghanistan has been convicted of a string of horrific sex crimes against children.
Ian Tuckley, 32, from Hereford, was found guilty of abusing two young girls over a number of years.
The twice-divorced father of two, was convicted of 15 offences, including rape
Former SAS soldier Ian Tuckley found guilty of sex crimes against 2 young girls | CLICK FOR MORE..
Saturday, November 26, 2011
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