Sunday, May 6, 2012


Scientists are discovering that electricity plays a more significant role in the universe than previously understood. The theory that has sprung from this new research is called theelectric universe theory .
According to this theory:
  • The sun and stars are electrically charged
  • Planetary features, such as creators, are caused by electrical scarring, or super-lightening
  • Cosmic phenomena are electrical such as comet tails, galaxy formations, plumes from Enceladus
Electricity is present wherever plasma is present. This means that because the visible universe is 99.999% in a plasma state, magnetic and electrical fields surround virtually everything

The sun, which is electrically charged , releases positive ions, estimated at 10 billion volts. As electrons enter the sun, they leave as positive ions. The sun’s positive charge acts as an anode in a plasma discharge, as is observed in laboratory tests on Earth.
This means the sun is powered by the electrical charges in the universe and not from elements within itself. The sun’s energy derives from the galactic environment as is hypothesized that all stars behave in this fashion.
The Universe is Electrically Charged (VIDEO):  CLICK  FOR  MORE...

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