Saturday, June 30, 2012


Obama and his fellow socialists in the White House and Congress probably did not realize that all the self congratulatory fist pumping , high fives, and atta-boys at the decision on Obamacare by the Supreme Court was a bit premature. Yes. They won the battle, but the war has only begun.
It was an inspirational victory—for the conservative right throughout America. The outrage was palpable.
Conservatives who were not on board for Mr. Romney, the GOP candidate running against Obama for President, began a rush to Romney’s side moments after the Court’s decision was announced, and money began to pour into Romney’s campaign coffers. In less than four hours 1 million and a half dollars had found its way into the hands of the Romney campaign. And the spigot was barely turned on.
A tsunami of outrage rolled across America picking up steam as it went. Even the US House of Representatives announced another vote to repeal Obamacare was scheduled for early July when the representatives return from their July 4th recess.
The lackadaisical republican base was ignited with a new vigor, vitality and resolve to toss out Obama and as much of his cohort now in the US Senate and the US House of Representatives as is possible in the Fall election
We are about to see a revolution in America.
As my friend Alan Caruba rightly pointed out in a fiery commentary immediately following the announcement of the Court’s decision, America is now a police state.

Mr. Caruba is, sadly, correct. As of Thursday, June 28th, 2012, the constitution is null and void—as is the Bill of Rights. Now the government can command any American citizen to do anything it chooses and if that hapless citizen does not comply, the government can fine him with a heavy tax to compel him to comply with that government command. By any definition—America is now a police state.

America Is NOW A Socialist Police State | Before It's News: CLICK  FOR  MORE..

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