Sunday, July 3, 2011

An Illegal Alien's Guide to the Top Five Best Places to Live In America # 1 CALIFORNIA..

1. California
Despite its $26 billion budget deficit, the state spends $21.5 billion dollars annually subsidizing illegal alien health care, education, welfare, other state benefits and criminal justice. Every California native-born household chips in $2438 each year to help.
California’s state motto “Eureka” (I have found it!) aptly applies here. The state's population includes 3.2 million illegal aliens -- almost 24% of all illegal aliens in America -- have chosen the Golden State as their preferred domicile. 

Unless you commit a violent felony, the state leaves you alone. Los Angeles Special Order 40 – a sanctuary policy that sets the tone statewide - prevents local officers from inquiring about your immigration status.
2. Montgomery Country, Maryland

3. Washington State
There’s nothing like a valid driver’s license in your hip pocket to help you navigate the U.S. at will.
Most states require you to present your Social Security Number (SSN) to get one. Washington has made an exception. If you don’t already have a fake SSN – or aren’t “borrowing” one from a U.S. citizen – simply sign a form and bring a utility bill along to prove you’re living in the Evergreen State. 
4. Chicago - All of Illinois too!

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin is a good friend of illegal aliens and a stalwart supporter of the DREAM Act. 
U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez is your other friend. He’s on record saying, “I have only one loyalty, and that’s to the immigrant community.”
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is also on your team. He recently told the federal government that Illinois will not participate in Secure Communities.
5. New Haven, Connecticut
New Haven is what its name implies – a haven for illegal aliens. You won’t need to fuss with legal documents like driver’s licenses, social security card, Green Card, visa or passport; there is a card just for you. In 2007

Final Tip
Given that the citizens of these destinations keep voting for politicians who enact policies that welcome illegal immigration

An Illegal Alien's Guide to the Top Five Best Places to Live In America - FoxNews. click  for  more..

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