Sunday, March 18, 2012

Andrew Breitbart's Death: Some Uncomfortable Reality [ The CIA assassination gun ]- Brentwood, CALIFORNIA Patch..?

The CIA assassination gun:

CIA Director William Colby was forced to bring a secret pistol his agency had specifically developed to quietly murder human beings with an exotic frozen poison pellet that would cause a heart attack and then melt inside the body of the victim and be undiscoverable by autopsy procedures.Brentwood resident Carl Colby, maker of the film “The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby,” that I'd been told  he was assassinated at least partially because some thought he had assisted me with critical secret information for my Emmy winning and Oscar nominated film "Waco: The Rules of Engagement." That information showed the official government story about its actions against the Branch Davidians was a lie. Carl told Vanity Fair his father's "death was ruled an accident -- a stroke or a heart attack -- but I think he was done. He didn't have a lot left to live for." Perhaps, but we'll probably never really know. 
A government domestic terrorism plot: 

The Church Committee discovered a secret U.S. military plan to carry out  domestic acts of terrorismthat would kill Americans and blame those killings on Fidel Castro as a pretext for invading Cuba. Roll that one and its implications around in your mind when applied to present circumstances.

The secret drugging of human guinea pigs: 

This was a secret CIA operation to give unsuspecting people doses of LSD and other damaging substances in order to see how they reacted. One target is known to have killed himself. Some twenty years later, the secret was exposed and the man's family sued for damages.

Corruption of the American news media: 

The CIA maintained an operation that paid editors and reporters in most mainstream media outlets to report the CIA's narrative of events (which may or may not have agreed with the White House version) and suppress contrary information outright or destroy its credibility as conspiracy theory, racist, extremist or the like. That legacy lives on in many of the official media narratives news consumers read and hear on almost any given day that Andrew Breitbart exposed as untrue. Hard to believe? 

Andrew Breitbart's Death: Some Uncomfortable Reality - Brentwood, CA Patch: click  for  more..

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