Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Assume The Power, America ... Expose Obama

Today,we have a temporary tenant in our house at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington,DC who is assuming power to which he has absolutely no right. Although he was hired to be the Executive of the government of our nation,he has failed to show any leadership whatsoever. When a fool tried to blow up Detroit,Michigan,our tenant was vacationing in Hawaii and playing golf. He has been named “The Fearless Golfer.”During any crisis,he can be found at a golf course under expensive and heavy guard. During the oil “spill” in the Gulf of Mexico,he played golf. He has taken many long and expensive vacations and played at least 100 rounds of golf in less than 4 years.
We know not his origin,nor much of his background,and what little we know is in doubt. He is something of unknown origin. According to Webster’s Dictionary,that defines a bastard.
Through executive orders,he has put the military more strongly under his control with the power to order the killing of American citizens on American soil. We now live under a military dictatorship. Over the years,the local police and fire departments have come under control of the same military overseers. By accepting federal grant money,local governments and their police and fire departments have come under control of the federal government.

Assume The Power, America | Expose Obama: CLICK   FOR  MORE..

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