Cardinal George writes, “The temptation can be to work for justice apart from love, but then justice becomes itself a formula for oppression. Justice without love is destructive, as Marxist societies, founded on equality and social justice alone, teach the world.” Source
If “social justice” has become a code word for communism, what role should it play at the university, when it is better to speak forthrightly than to speak in a code? Peter Wood and Ashley Thorne, writing for the National Association of Scholars, answer this question.
Thorne and Wood say, “The National Association of Scholars believes that programs in social justice education do not belong in the university..‚ĶThat’s because the term has become too firmly associated with agitprop.”
According to Malcome A. Kline, students should know that, “When you hear the term ‘social justice,’ be prepared to empty your wallet.” He documents this by claiming, “An academic program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the minor in Social and Economic Justice, illustrates the difference between education and indoctrination.”
Social Justice at the University: CLICK FOR MORE.. "Besides encouraging students, Ban Ki-moon’s call for social justice has become a mantra repeated by many college and university faculty and administrators. Social justice is used to promote a university’s image and to recruit students. Unfortunately, what started as a marketing tool, has now become a tool for indoctrination."According to Malcome A. Kline, students should know that, “When you hear the term ‘social justice,’ be prepared to empty your wallet.” He documents this by claiming, “An academic program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the minor in Social and Economic Justice, illustrates the difference between education and indoctrination.”
Social justice and the cost of higher education
Is the ideology of social justice the last chance for administrators and faculty to make a liberal arts education seem relevant? Even as the poison ivy of social justice spreads across the nation’s universities, others are questioning the sense of bowering money for four years or more of indoctrination.
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