Here are some theories of what a shadow being might be: Again, no one really knows what they are, everyone has their own theories, but regardless, we can rebuke it. So here goes:
This is the most common association to shadow people/beings.
A low vibrational entity that is associated with strong malevolent feelings and or desires. A lot of people have associated these “feelings” with something bad, malevolent or even demonic in nature. Remember, they can’t touch us, unless we “allow” them to. (Stay in control, do not give in to fear, and put a light of protection around you and rebuke it in the name of your higher power, and depending how strong this entity is will determined whether or not you’ll need extra help to get ‘rid” of it. See- how to protect yourself.
2. BLACK ROBED FIGURES. (Very different from shadow beings)
A lot of people can been confusing shadow people with blacked robed beings.
I personally think they are two different entities.. Shadow figures and misty dark figures has no define form to them, and we see them in the corners of our eyes and it eludes us no sooner we try to look directly at it. It usually tries to hide and never shows itself, at least not intentionally, and when it does, my feelings are they come to feed off your fear.
The dark robed figures are usually associated at night time, while people are asleep. Some get a sense of awareness of a presence either approaching and or standing over them while they are in bed. And once they are aware of this presence they are over whelmed with fear as these entities stands over them, they find themselves paralyzed not able to move nor scream and feeing powerless. ( I have had this experience many times) they would come and hover over my bed just “watching” me
Some believe that there are different levels of dimensions that we all live on. Depending on the level of vibrational density that the entities may be at, it could determine what form it takes in our reality. And since our Vibration is different from theirs, we may be seeing them as shadow figures.
Our galaxy is filled with energy vortexes, could these entities traveling though them?
Another idea out there is that perhaps human are traveling back in time, perhaps they cannot manifest into a solid form due to time and space, so they may look shadowy to us, ** I personally travelled (remote viewing, that is) and while I was sitting there experiencing this, I was taken to different location for about 3 seconds or so, just enough for me to observe, then boom, before I knew it, I was at another location and then another, then another
Many claims they can travel when they are asleep or have out of bodies experiences also known as OBEs (leave their bodies in bed and travel within a certain room, house, a country and even outer-space) One theory is what we might be seeing is a person (one of us, a human in spirit form roaming around without our physical bodies) -- from personal experience I know we can leave our bodies, for I left mine when I was 16. If someone were to see me, would they see me in a shadowy form again, who knows??
Another theory is, could it be ETs?.. Some says they can appear and disappear. My input on this Theory: I know its crazy to say I experience this also, but I have.. when I was 10, I saw what appeared to me, a little Being, he was not of this world, only later when I was a bit order in my late teens, I came to learn that people referred to this little being as a "Grey" and they do appear and disappear at will cause I saw it with my own eyes, however, my personal experience when I was in his presence, was that he was a solid entity, not shadowy at all and it stood there for a while staring at me.. shadow figures are known to be elusive and doesn't like to been seen.
Another theory is, could it be ETs?.. Some says they can appear and disappear. My input on this Theory: I know its crazy to say I experience this also, but I have.. when I was 10, I saw what appeared to me, a little Being, he was not of this world, only later when I was a bit order in my late teens, I came to learn that people referred to this little being as a "Grey" and they do appear and disappear at will cause I saw it with my own eyes, however, my personal experience when I was in his presence, was that he was a solid entity, not shadowy at all and it stood there for a while staring at me.. shadow figures are known to be elusive and doesn't like to been seen.
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