Saturday, April 21, 2012

TIME to INDICT the POLITICAL CLASS ! EXCLUSIVE ! Larry Klayman explains history of CITIZEN GRAND JURIES targeting the CORRUPT ..!

President Obama and his administration, many have asked what ordinary American citizens can do to legally mete out justice. Short of violent revolution, there is only one strong legal mechanism that can be invoked. That is the so-called “citizens grand jury,” by which Americans themselves can enforce the law. This is our only recourse to hold the president and his accomplices truly accountable for their actions. Over the years, impeachment has not worked, nor has any other means to address crimes at the presidential and other high levels of government.
Given the increasingly corrupt and treasonous actions of our public officials, which have nearly destroyed our republic, and the almost complete breakdown of the justice system as run by the government, the time has come for we Americans to rise up and use the God-given rights left to us by our founders. We can do this by using citizen-impanelled and administered grand juries to hold presidents like Obama and others at the highest levels of government accountable for the crimes that have driven our nation to the brink of extinction.
Time to indict the political class!: "Exclusive: Larry Klayman explains history of citizen grand juries targeting the corrupt"CLICK  FOR  MORE..

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